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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題濟南輕型鋼結構的辨別方式有哪些?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2020-11-24 發布人: 瀏覽次數:36
Jinan light steel structure building system is a kind of light-weight fully assembled steel structure building. It is mainly composed of structural steel and functional materials, such as hot-rolled light-weight H-beam, light-weight welded steel section, high-frequency welding steel section, cold-formed thin-walled steel, thin-walled steel plate, thin-walled steel pipe, etc., supplemented by various decoration and connection materials, which can meet the specific use function and space requirements of the building.
Jinan light steel structure
There are three kinds of light steel structure: light steel portal frame building steel structure, cold-formed thin-walled steel structure and steel pipe structure. At first, light steel structure was mainly used for buildings with small load and short span. Since the 1980s, it has been widely used in warehouses, offices, factories, sports facilities and so on. Heavy steel structure should be: large petrochemical plant facilities, large mechanical forging plant, port facilities, large span gymnasium, exhibition area, high-rise or high-rise buildings.

There is no clear boundary between light steel and heavy steel. When using light steel structure design, considering the strength of web after buckling can reduce the setting of stiffeners and reduce the amount of steel. This is a light steel structure. Otherwise, a lot of steel will be used, that is, heavy steel structure. However, the light steel structure is only used when the crane tonnage is less than 20t, and the heavy steel structure is used for large tonnage crane, so the safety of light steel structure is not enough.
It is true that there is no uniform standard for judging whether the structure is heavy steel or Jinan light steel structure. Many experienced designers or project managers can not fully explain it. However, we can use some data to comprehensively consider and judge:
1. Lifting capacity of workshop crane: more than 25 tons, heavy steel structure can be considered.
2. Steel consumption per square meter: more than or equal to 50kg / m2, it can be regarded as heavy steel structure.
Jinan light steel structure
3. Steel plate thickness of main parts: more than 10 mm, less light steel structure.
4. There are also some reference values, such as the cost per square meter, the weight of large components, large span, structural form, eaves, etc. These can provide empirical data for judging whether the plant is heavy steel or light steel. Of course, many buildings now have both light and heavy steel.
It can be seen that the difference between Jinan light steel structure and heavy steel structure lies not in the weight of the structure itself, but in the weight of the enclosure materials. The concept of structural design is the same.
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