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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態輕型鋼結構房屋的特點及應用


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-08-11 發布人: 瀏覽次數:3
The installation and renovation of steel structure engineering with additional floors is a new type of reinforcement and reform situation, which has advantages in many aspects. Compared to concrete construction techniques, it is more convenient and concise, has higher cost-effectiveness compared to cost-effectiveness, and has significant advantages in terms of safety. However, this method is not yet widely used domestically and internationally, and its design is somewhat lacking.
The research on steel structure adding story renovation has existed in China for a long time, which is even earlier than the start of building adding story renovation. The rapid development of building structural renovation, reinforcement, and steel structure engineering aims to better complete the addition and renovation of old buildings. China has established many academic groups on the technology of adding floors to buildings, creating a strong academic atmosphere in the group of steel structure reinforcement and renovation, creating an exchange environment for experience exploration, and promoting the development of this steel structure reinforcement and renovation.
Steel structure story adding transformation, also known as outer frame story adding structure, can be used in buildings with more story adding layers or where it is not convenient to directly add layers on the original structure. The outerwear frame adding layer architecture can be divided into two categories: separated and integral. When adding layers to the separated structure, it can be completely detached from the previous old house structure; The integral structure of adding floors is based on the old building structure and is renovated to form a whole.
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