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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態使用輕型鋼結構時的一些要點


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-07-25 發布人: 瀏覽次數:6
Light steel structure is a building structural system constructed using cold-formed thin-walled steel (light steel). When using Jinan light steel structures, the following are some key points:
Structural design: Ensure that the structural design is carried out in accordance with relevant design specifications and standards. Considering factors such as load, seismic performance, and stability of the structure, select the model and size reasonably, and conduct structural calculations and analysis.
Material selection: Choose excellent lightweight steel materials, such as cold-formed thin-walled steel. This material has high strength and stability, and is suitable for rapid assembly and installation.
Anti corrosion protection: adopt appropriate anti-corrosion measures to extend the service life of lightweight steel structures. Coating or galvanizing treatment can be applied during the manufacturing process, or materials with anti-corrosion properties can be used.
Construction quality: Ensure compliance with relevant standards and specifications during the construction process, including welding techniques, connection methods, tightening forces, etc. Ensure the accuracy and stability of the structure, and avoid the impact of quality issues on the safety of the structure.
Maintenance management: Regularly inspect and maintain lightweight steel structures. Remove dust and dirt from the surface of the structure to prevent corrosion and damage. If necessary, promptly repair or replace damaged parts.
Fire protection: Consider the fire risk of lightweight steel structures and take necessary protective measures, such as installing fire alarm systems and setting up fire extinguishers. At the same time, when selecting building materials and layout, try to use materials with good fire resistance performance.
Reasonable use: Based on specific purposes and design requirements, make reasonable use of the advantages of lightweight steel structures to ensure the stability and strength of the structure. Avoid exceeding the design load range or making improper modifications to avoid adverse effects on the structure.
Please note that the above are only general points, and specific design specifications and requirements need to be referred to in practical applications. Before using lightweight steel structures, it is recommended to consult professional engineers or architectural designers to ensure the safety and reliability of the structure.
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