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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題濟南輕型鋼結構別墅的防腐功能你了解多少?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2019-12-19 發布人: 瀏覽次數:111
  由于我國幅員遼闊,建筑數據需要滿足各個地區、各種環境的要求。指發布規范,高腐蝕性區域或特殊施工,鍍鋅容不得少于275克/㎡(雙方)或150 g /㎡(雙方)的鍍鋁鋅,并滿意當前的標準或行業代碼規則。這條規則與澳大利亞的規則相同。
  Because of the vast territory of our country, building data needs to meet the requirements of various regions and environments. It refers to the Specifications issued by the state, high corrosive areas or special construction, and the galvanized capacity shall not be less than 275 g / m2 (both sides) or 150 g / m2 (both sides) of aluminum zinc plating, and it is satisfied with the current national standards or industry code rules. This rule is the same as that of Australia.
  According to the research data of Bosco iron and Steel Research Center in Australia, the coating consumption rate of galvanized steel plate and aluminized zinc plate as structures and exposed to the outside of buildings will be very different. Even in the same building, due to the different sealing effect of each part of the building, the formation of atmospheric corrosion environment is not common. Because there are two kinds of aluminum and zinc materials coated with aluminum and zinc, the aluminum corrosion is more and more simple, and the occurrence of aluminum oxide is extremely dense. The aluminum oxide covers the surface of the steel plate, so as to better isolate the connection between the coated steel plate and the external corrosion environment. Therefore, the predicted life of aluminum zinc coating in indoor environment is far better than that of the structure required by us, which can reach more than 200 years; even between boards with poor ventilation environment, the life can reach 75 years.
  Steel structure villa has the function of saving energy and reducing consumption通過濟南輕型鋼結構住宅與傳統住宅在降耗功能上的比較,可以看出輕鋼結構住宅的優勢。技術經濟指標主要以導熱系數、蓄熱系數和每日能耗來評價。根據住宅之間的比較測試與輕鋼結構與傳統的鋼混合結構住宅,住宅的熱導率與傳統鋼混合結構是0.065——0.08 w / m·k之間的導熱系數與輕鋼結構住宅是在0.055 - 0.07之間。輕鋼結構住宅的導熱系數比傳統鋼結構住宅的導熱系數低0.01W/m·k。傳統鋼結構住宅的蓄熱系數在0.95—1.10w/m之間。k,輕鋼結構住宅為1.30—1.40w /m·k。輕鋼結構住宅的蓄熱系數比傳統鋼結構住宅低0.3 w/m·k。
  Through the comparison of energy-saving and consumption reducing functions between Jinan light steel structure residence and traditional residence, we can see the advantages of light steel structure residence. The technical and economic indexes are mainly evaluated by thermal conductivity, heat storage coefficient and daily energy consumption per square meter. According to the comparison test between the houses and the houses with light steel structure and traditional steel mixed structure, the thermal conductivity between the houses and the traditional steel mixed structure is 0.065-0.08 w / m · K, and the thermal conductivity between the houses with light steel structure is 0.055-0.07. The thermal conductivity of light steel structure residence is 0.01w/m · K lower than that of traditional steel structure residence. The heat storage coefficient of traditional steel structure residence is between 0.95-1.10w/m. K, 1.30-1.40w/m · K for light steel structure residence. The heat storage coefficient of light steel structure residence is 0.3 w / m · K lower than that of traditional steel structure residence.
  Together, because the lightweight light steel structure system and sensitive structure meet the requirements of structural strength, it is a good method to integrate various insulation skills. In addition to the wall between the walls lined with glass fiber, it is also used for the side wall, and then a layer of insulation material "external wall insulation, useful partition through the wall column cladding thermal bridge; floor beams between floors filled with glass fiber to reduce Less heat transfer through floors; all interior walls are filled with glass fiber between wall columns to reduce heat transfer between walls.
  以上是濟南輕型鋼結構廠家為大家介紹的相關內容,想要了解更多內容,歡迎訪問網站:http://m.gitli.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by Jinan light steel structure manufacturer. To learn more, please visit the website: http://m.gitli.cn
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