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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題鐵藝護欄安裝后的驗收檢查怎么做?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-04-01 發布人: 瀏覽次數:8
How to conduct acceptance inspection after installation of iron guardrails? In fact, it is necessary to inspect the appearance quality, dimensions, installation location, welding quality, filler materials, stability, safety, and anti-corrosion treatment. Here is a detailed understanding:
Appearance quality inspection: Check whether the surface of Jinan Iron Art Guardrail is flat, free of scratches, deformation, cracks, rust, etc., to ensure that the appearance quality meets the design requirements.
Dimension inspection: Check whether the dimensions of the iron guardrail meet the design requirements, such as height, length, width, etc.
Installation position inspection: Check whether the installation position of the iron guardrail is accurate and meets the design requirements, such as whether it is vertical to the ground, and whether it is installed at the specified position.
Welding quality inspection: Check the welding quality of iron guardrails, such as whether the welds are uniform and whether the welding is firm.
Inspection of filling materials: Check whether the filling materials of the iron guardrail meet the design requirements, such as whether they are evenly filled, and whether the thickness of the filling materials is appropriate.
Stability inspection: Check the stability of the iron guardrail, such as whether it stands stably and whether there is shaking phenomenon.
Safety inspection: Check the safety of the iron guardrail, such as whether the guardrail is firm, whether there are sharp edges, and whether there are dangerous protruding parts.
Inspection of anti-corrosion treatment: Check whether the anti-corrosion treatment of the iron guardrail is qualified, such as whether it has undergone rust prevention and anti-corrosion treatment, and whether it meets the requirements of relevant standards.
The acceptance of iron guardrails after installation should include the following aspects: ensuring that the installation quality meets the design requirements, and ensuring the safety and reliability of use. If you have any doubts or needs about this, please come to our website http://m.gitli.cn Leave a message for consultation!
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