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來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2022-04-14 發布人: 瀏覽次數:14
  The use of iron door can often be seen in daily life, of course, it is in different occasions are different, this need to know, especially in the purchase of time, do not choose the wrong, otherwise the installation will find and place in the environment is not coordinated.
  To the protection of iron art gate, to this kind of gate, what basically consider is its reliability and price, to beautiful requirement is not too tall. When choosing this kind of gate, the internal material that should pay attention to tie Yi and structure, can bump into the door still have scruple.
  If it is the home decoration of the iron door, the first thing to consider is the hardness of the door and the appearance of the door. Because the home decoration iron door needs to consider the elderly and children in the home, so we should pay attention to the gap distance and density between the iron door. Generally, high-quality products should be selected.
  Iron gates are also used in some public places, such as parks and campuses. We must consider the raw material and durability of the wrought iron gate. Should withstand wind and rain when choosing material, the exterior also compares simple and plain. Because this kind of public places flow relatively large, so to consider the kind of elastic, not easy to break the iron material.
  Therefore, in terms of different uses, the corresponding Iron gate in Jinan is not the same. You should be aware of this when you buy. Iron gate to buy and buy with the corresponding style of construction phase deployment, not in the same breath, to show the essence of family life culture level, so when buying and buy must pay attention to.
  In addition, the maintenance of the iron door should also be treated regularly, for example, when encountering special weather to consider the factors of rust prevention, regular dust removal is also necessary, not only for the sake of beauty, more important is to maintain the door is not damaged. For more information, please visit m.gitli.cn.
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