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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題輕型鋼結構房屋造價比磚房高嗎?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2022-01-07 發布人: 瀏覽次數:21
1. Preliminary preparation: what is the light steel structure house like? Ultra light steel structure houses are composed of ultra light steel structure, and their weight is only one fifth of that of brick concrete structure and one sixth of that of steel concrete structure. Therefore, it is not difficult to see that the foundation of light steel structure does not need to be excavated as deeply as brick concrete structure, so as to reduce the foundation cost. Even in mountainous, hilly and desert areas, there is no need for special foundation treatment, and the cost is much lower than that of brick concrete structure.
2. Production cost: a major feature of light steel structure houses is the integration of mass production and transportation. It greatly reduces the cost and unnecessary expenses.
3. Construction cost: the installation cost of light steel structure houses is also lower than that of Putong brick concrete structure houses. Ultra light steel structure houses are mainly built on site, such as 200 square meters of ultra light steel structure houses. It can be completed in less than a month.
4. Later maintenance cost: light steel structure houses are relatively large, which are characterized by warm winter and cool summer. Their thermal insulation performance is very good, and they have better thermal insulation performance than brick concrete structures. Therefore, residents save a lot of expenses when they turn on air conditioning and heating.
To sum up, the cost of light steel structure houses is lower than that of ordinary brick houses. In the early stage, the steel structure house does not need to lay the foundation, which saves a lot of money. In the later stage, the light steel structure house is warm in winter and cool in summer, which reduces the expenditure of heating and air conditioning costs. Therefore, on the whole, its cost is relatively low.
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