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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>常見問題鋁藝大門可使用靜電噴涂來處理表層


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2021-01-19 發布人: 瀏覽次數:47
In the later stage, the surface of Tieyi gate is treated by electrostatic spraying, which has the advantages of high strength, high hardness, beautiful appearance, bright color and so on. It has become the mainstream product used in residential areas, factories, colleges, roads and so on. Let's learn about the electrostatic spraying treatment of iron gate.
Jinan iron gate
Acid and alkali should be used to remove the rust. The aluminum door should be prevented from splashing acid and alkali chemicals that have corrosive effect on iron, such as sulfuric acid, vinegar, methylalkali, soapy water, soda water, etc. if it is accidentally stained, the dirty place should be cleared immediately and then wiped with dry cotton cloth.
In order to avoid metal rusting, cotton cloth can be dipped in a small amount of anti rust oil or sewing machine oil to wipe the local surface on schedule, and zinc steel isolation fence in the community should be as bright as new.
If it is found that there are rust spots on the zinc steel isolation fence in the residential area, it should be coated with cotton yarn dipped in engine oil as soon as possible, so that the rust can be removed, instead of sandpaper and other rough surface materials.
以上是關于濟南鐵藝大門用靜電噴涂處理的知識,它能夠起到一定的美觀性,且防銹能力上有一定的優勢。希望此次解答能幫助你選擇到更 好的產品。
The above is about the iron gate with electrostatic spraying processing knowledge, it can play a certain beauty, and rust prevention ability has certain advantages. I hope this answer can help you choose better products.
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