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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊輕型鋼結構的生產制作的工藝介紹


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-11-10 發布人: 瀏覽次數:1


Structural characteristics


Lightweight steel structures typically use Q345 and Q235 steel, with the majority being Q345 steel. Q345 steel, as a commonly used and mature low alloy high-strength structural steel, has excellent performance and good weldability. Except for some column base plates, the thickness of the web and wing plates is basically 4-20mm thin plate, which is a favorable thickness range for the welding process. Light steel structures generally do not use box or cross shaped structures, and the majority of components are H-shaped sections. Due to the characteristics of economy, stress, and structure, rolled H-beams are generally not used, and most of them are welded H-beams.


For H-shaped solid web beam column structures, it is easy to achieve automation of welding and assembly. However, apart from the sandwich beams and some side columns, as well as the intermediate columns, which are of equal cross-section, most components are in a variable cross-section form, which also puts higher requirements on the automation of welding.


Cutting method


Portal multi head flame cutting is the main cutting method for wing opening, and new types of gas such as propylene, propane, and LPG have gradually replaced acetylene.


Due to its thin thickness and mostly wedge-shaped shape, the web plate is usually cut using CNC plasma cutting method. The plasma cutting method using oxygen has fast cutting speed and good cutting quality, but has higher requirements for electrode consumption.



The cutting quality of the web plate has a significant impact on the assembly and welding quality of the components. Due to the thin thickness of the plate, the deformation or residual stress after cutting will lead to wavy deformation of the web. The quality of cutting edges directly affects the welding and quality of the fillet weld between the web and wing plates.


welding method 


The welding process and production process depend on the assembly of H-shaped steel, the welding of the main weld between the web and wing plates, and vary depending on the assembly method, welding method, and welding position. If the machine head moves or the workpiece moves; Horizontal position or ship type position; Single head or dual head; Single or double filament, etc.


Gas shielded welding is undoubtedly an ideal welding method for dry thin plate structures. Therefore, except for the use of submerged arc automatic welding for panel assembly, gas shielded welding is mostly used for the assembly and welding of other panel components. Especially for argon rich mixed gas shielded welding, it is more suitable for light steel structures due to its good forming and low splashing.




To prevent rusting during stacking, transportation, and installation, and to lay the foundation for further painting, pre treatment and primer spraying are required after welding of the components.


The quality level of rust removal for component surface treatment is required to reach Sa2.0 to Sa2.5 or above. Choose a rust resistant primer based on the different environmental media in which the components are located. The primer for light steel structures is mainly alkyd or epoxy zinc rich. Apply topcoat or fireproof coating as needed at the installation site.


The light steel structure is mainly an H-shaped solid web beam column structure, so the surface treatment and coating process are relatively simple, and it is also easy to achieve mechanized assembly line operations. The surface treatment adopts shot blasting process, with roller track or suspension feeding method. Spray painting is generally manual operation, combined with hanging shot blasting, or a semi mechanized assembly line operation.


The surface treatment before painting is crucial for the anti-corrosion effect of the component primer, and the thickness and uniformity of the paint film will directly affect the anti-corrosion performance of the component.


Main process issues


Due to the significant differences between light steel structures and heavy steel structures in terms of steel type, plate thickness, and structural form, there are also significant differences in the main difficulties and problems faced in welding production.


This article is provided by Jinan Light Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Our website is: http://m.gitli.cn We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!

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