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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞輕型鋼結構在焊接過程中都有哪些困難?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2019-12-28 發布人: 瀏覽次數:73
  Light steel structures are mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components, which are usually connected by welding, bolts or rivets. Strict treatment is required before welding, and there are many difficulties in the welding process.
  1. 焊道應將基材與坡口內墊板的連接處密封,然后逐層焊接,直坡口填滿。每道焊縫焊接后,應焊渣和飛濺。
  1. The joint between the base material and the base plate in the groove shall be sealed in the weld bead, and then welded layer by layer until the groove is filled. After each weld is welded, the welding slag and spatter shall be removed.
  2. The general welding sequence of light steel structure is: pre welding inspection, preheating and derusting, welding pad and arc plate, welding and inspection.
  3. Before welding, check whether groove angle, blunt edge, clearance and number of openings are correct. Rust spots, oil stains, oxide scales, etc. inside and on both sides of the trench shall be cleaned.
  4. 預熱:焊接前,用氣焊或專用格柵槍將基材在坡口及其兩側100mm范圍內均勻加熱,并用表面溫度計測量溫度,防止溫度不符合要求或局部表面氧化、預熱溫度。
  4. Preheating: before welding, use gas welding or special grid gun to evenly heat the base material within 100mm of groove and both sides, and use surface thermometer to measure the temperature to prevent the temperature from not meeting the requirements or local surface oxidation and preheating temperature.
  5. Recheck the preheating temperature. If the temperature is not enough, reheat it to meet the requirements.
  In case of rain and snow during the welding process of steel structure, the welding shall be stopped, and wind shield and canopy shall be set around and above the welding components. When the ambient temperature is lower than zero, preheating and post heating measures shall be taken as required.
The above is a detailed introduction to the difficulties in the welding process of Jinan light steel structure. For more information, please click http://m.gitli.cn
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