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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞鐵藝護欄的顏色怎么搭配?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2024-04-16 發布人: 瀏覽次數:1


Iron fence is a product that people use more frequently when decorating balcony fences nowadays, because iron fence has the advantages of rust resistance and corrosion resistance. Due to the differences in aesthetics and feelings between people, the owner's personal preferences are different, and everyone's understanding, feeling, and taste of color are also different. Therefore, there are certain differences in the use of color tones.


Of course, when we say this, we do not emphasize the differences in color tones. There is no possibility of harmony between different color tones. On the contrary, although there are individual differences in color tones, there are also commonalities among them. These commonalities refer to social trends, folk customs, cultural levels, and era characteristics. Therefore, when choosing a color tone for decoration, we should not only consider personal factors, but also pay attention to these factors and the overall aesthetic design.



The balcony iron railing also has a cool and warm color in normal circumstances. Colors such as red, yellow, and orange evoke associations with light, red flags, and blood, giving people a warm and enthusiastic feeling. Colors such as blue, purple, and green evoke associations with mountains, oceans, sky, and trees, giving people a cold feeling. Therefore, colors are divided into warm color systems represented by colors such as red, yellow, and orange, and cool color systems represented by colors such as blue, green, and purple.


The space environment composed of iron guardrails and handrails is mainly composed of warm colors, known as the warm color tone environment, while the space environment composed of cold colors is called the cold color tone environment. Both of these colors can make people have different psychological feelings about the space environment. Warm colors give people a strong and eye-catching feeling, creating a sense of approximation, but they can highlight and approach people's personalities, making people's thinking and personality closely related to color. The cool color system composed of blue, green, and purple can create a hazy sense of atmosphere, distance, and space.


Therefore, if we know these things when decorating, we will have a certain basis for choosing the color tone of the iron fence: warm colors such as red, yellow, and orange will make furniture or other indoor items bright and eye-catching, and can effectively compress the space. Indoor items will also create a friendly feeling. Welcome everyone to leave a message for the editor of Henan Iron Art Guardrail Manufacturer.


This article is from Jinan Iron Art Guardrail. For more information, please click: http://m.gitli.cn We will provide satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to call us!

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