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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞關于輕鋼結構的7個問題


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-06-20 發布人: 瀏覽次數:4
Why is Jinan light steel structure the main structural system?
Steel is easy to process in the factory and its quality can be strictly controlled; Stable quality, high strength, good seismic performance, and good corrosion resistance; Lightweight, reducing basic costs; Fast construction speed and low cost; Anti white mosquito, non flammable, long structural durability, nearly 100% recycling rate of green building materials, no waste; Compared to ordinary structures (steel concrete or brick concrete), steel structures have advantages.
What is the price of the light steel structure system?
Stable steel prices; Compared with traditional buildings, personnel engaged in steel structure construction have lower requirements and are easy to promote manually; Short construction period, reducing costs; The lightweight steel structure system has low requirements for the foundation and foundation, saving costs; The light steel structure wall is thin, saving more usable area; Beneficial to industrialization, the comprehensive cost of the light steel structure residential system is becoming lower and lower.
Can the light steel structure rearrange the space in the room?
Yes. Light steel structure residential buildings are easily designed with large spans and spaces, and the internal space is divided into various usage spaces by non load-bearing walls according to functional needs. Residents can repair the structural system without damaging it as long as they use simple tools.
4. Does the light steel structure have high requirements for the foundation? Is the basic cost high?
Not high. Due to the light weight of the light steel structure system, which is only 25% of the concrete structure and 60% of the wood structure, the requirements for the foundation are relatively low. The terrain is relatively high, and a simple and thick cement ground can be used as a light steel structure foundation as long as it meets the fixing requirements of the steel structure columns, greatly reducing the cost of the foundation.
Can light steel structure residential buildings withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes?
Yes. Steel structures are one of the seismic resistant structures favored by designers. Due to the high strength and good flexibility of steel, it can effectively absorb the huge destructive energy caused by earthquakes and hurricanes, thereby protecting the entire structure from severe damage.
6. Is light steel structure residential buildings suitable for seaside construction?
It can be built by the seaside. According to national standards, the corrosion resistance of steel components can be improved by increasing the amount of galvanizing. After technical treatment, the steel structure is also suitable for seaside construction, with guaranteed durability.
7. Do light steel residential buildings need to pay higher insurance premiums?
No need. In fact, on the contrary, you usually do not need to pay higher fees to purchase insurance. Due to the fact that the steel structure meets the conditions referred to by insurance companies as a "super structure", that is, it has excellent seismic performance, is not easy to burn, and is resistant to white mosquitoes, making it a more stable and reliable structural system. Do you have any further questions? Welcome to our website http://m.gitli.cn Consult and take a look!
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