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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞更好使用輕型鋼結構要做到幾個方面


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-04-13 發布人: 瀏覽次數:5
With the rapid development of the social economy, the public's requirements for residential building structures are gradually increasing. Currently, the application of lightweight steel structures in residential buildings in Jinan is becoming increasingly widespread, playing an important role in improving the lightness and durability of residential structures. The operation of lightweight steel structures mainly includes the following aspects:
1. Quality management: The operation process of light steel structures requires strict management in accordance with relevant quality standards, including the selection, processing, manufacturing, and installation of raw materials, to ensure the reliability of quality.
2. Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain light steel structures, promptly repair any problems found, and prevent potential safety hazards. At the same time, attention should be paid to fire prevention, anti-corrosion, waterproofing and other work to extend the service life of the structure.
3. Environmental protection: As a new type of building material, lightweight steel structures have the characteristics of sustainable development, and environmental protection awareness should be strengthened to reduce the generation of construction waste and environmental pollution.
4. Technological Innovation: As an emerging building technology, lightweight steel structures need to continuously innovate to improve their operational efficiency and functionality, and adapt to the development needs of the social economy.
Before carrying out the construction of light steel structures, the steel components that need to be used should be rechecked, including component welding inspection certificates, welding material quality certificates, steel material material inspection certificates, etc.
When conducting on-site inspection work, the installation position and number of each steel component should be determined based on the component layout and design drawings, and they should be reasonably stacked according to their type to facilitate the smooth implementation of installation work.
In addition, it is necessary to check the specifications and quantity of attachments, node friction surfaces, weld groove quality, bolt hole positions and diameters, connecting plate parts angles and positions, and steel component geometric dimensions, etc. This can effectively reduce the number of size modifications in high-altitude operations.
The above are several aspects of better operation of lightweight steel structures. Strengthening attention and maintenance in this regard can effectively use lightweight steel structures, ensure building stability, extend service life, and reduce environmental pollution. If you have any further needs, please feel free to come to our website at any time http://m.gitli.cn consulting service
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