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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞 輕型鋼結構建筑要注意哪些?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2021-10-12 發布人: 瀏覽次數:12
1、 The steel structure is light in weight. Although the unit weight of steel structure is large, its strength is much higher than that of other building materials. Therefore, when the load and conditions are the same, the steel structure is lighter than other structures, convenient for transportation and installation, and can span a larger span.
2、 Steel has good plasticity and toughness. Good plasticity, so that the steel structure will not break suddenly due to accidental overload or local overload. Good toughness makes the steel structure more adaptable to dynamic load. These properties of steel provide sufficient guarantee for the safety and reliability of steel structure.
3、 Steel is closer to homogeneous and isotropic body. The internal structure of steel is relatively uniform, very close to homogeneous and isotropic body, and almost completely elastic within a certain stress amplitude. These properties are consistent with the assumptions in mechanical calculation, so the calculation results of steel structure are more consistent with the actual stress situation.
4、 The steel structure is easy to manufacture, easy to adopt industrial production and short construction and installation cycle. The steel structure is composed of various profiles, which is easy to manufacture. A large number of steel structures are manufactured in specialized metal structure manufacturing plants; High accuracy. The fabricated components are transported to the site for assembly, connected by bolts, and the structure is light, so the construction is convenient and the construction period is short. In addition, the built steel structure is also easy to disassemble, reinforce or transform.
5、 The steel structure has good sealing performance. The steel structure has good air tightness and water tightness.
6、 Steel structure has good heat resistance, but poor fire resistance. Steel is heat-resistant but not high temperature resistant. As the temperature increases, the strength decreases. When there is radiant heat around and the temperature is above 150 ℃, shielding measures shall be taken. In case of fire, when the structure temperature reaches more than 500 degrees, it may collapse instantaneously. In order to improve the fire resistance rating of steel structure, it is usually wrapped with concrete or brick.
7、 Steel is easy to rust, so protective measures shall be taken. Steel is easy to rust in humid environment, especially in the environment with corrosive medium, so it must be painted or galvanized, and regular maintenance shall be carried out during use.
以上的精彩內容來自:  濟南輕型鋼結構更多的精彩內容請點擊進入我們的網站:http://m.gitli.cn我們后續會有更多的內容為您
The above highlights come from Jinan light steel structure. For more highlights, please click to enter our website: http://m.gitli.cn We will have more content for you later
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