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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞淺談輕型鋼結構的優缺點有哪些?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2021-01-26 發布人: 瀏覽次數:116
1、空間大、重量輕、體積小: 輕鋼結構與鋼筋混凝土以及磚混比較,自重減輕15-30倍,體積減少2-5倍。 利用鋼材強度高的特點,設計可采用大開間布置,使建筑平面能夠合理分隔,靈活方便,創造開放式建筑。
1. Large space, light weight and small volume: compared with reinforced concrete and brick concrete, light steel structure can reduce weight by 15-30 times and volume by 2-5 times. Using the characteristics of high steel strength, the design can adopt large bay layout, so that the building plane can be reasonably separated, flexible and convenient, creating an open building.
2、綜合成本較低: 鋼材的穩定的供給造成的波動很小。使用薄壁輕鋼結構的墻面可以保持出色的平面。這也意味著當你在釘釘子的時候墻面不會反彈和收縮破裂。因為材料可以預先切到需要的長度,所以在很大的程度上降低了浪費。
2. The comprehensive cost is low: the stable supply of steel causes little price fluctuation. The use of thin-walled light steel structure of the wall can maintain excellent plane. It also means that when you're driving nails, the wall won't bounce and shrink and crack. Because the material can be cut to the required length in advance, the waste is greatly reduced.
5、性能好、抗震和防暴風雨: 由于鋼結構與傳統的混凝土結構相比較,鋼結構屬于柔性結構,具有重量輕、強度高、抗震性能好等優點。因而能有效地降低地震響應及災害影響程度,極有利于抗震。
5. Good safety performance, earthquake resistance and storm proof: compared with the traditional concrete structure, steel structure is a flexible structure with the advantages of light weight, high strength and good seismic performance. Therefore, it can effectively reduce the earthquake response and the degree of disaster impact, which is very conducive to earthquake resistance.
6、隔熱保溫系統,性能優異,節省能源: 輕型鋼結構住宅使用外隔熱方法。該方法利用薄壁輕鋼結構特有的性質,骨架用薄塑隔熱防潮材料從外部緊緊地全部覆蓋,再加以隔熱材料,隔熱材料之外設有空氣層,空氣層之外根據客戶對建筑物外墻要求,可使用各種材料作各種外墻處理。
6. Heat insulation system, excellent performance, energy saving: light steel residential use of external heat insulation method. This method uses the unique properties of thin-walled light steel structure. The skeleton is tightly covered with thin plastic heat insulation and moisture-proof material from the outside, and then the heat insulation material is added. Outside the heat insulation material, there is an air layer. Outside the air layer, according to the requirements of customers for the external walls of buildings, various materials can be used for various external wall treatments.
The external heat insulation method does not need heat insulation treatment inside the framework, but can be directly used for internal wall treatment inside. So as to ensure that the thin-walled light steel structure is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the outdoor temperature is 0 degrees, the indoor temperature can maintain 17.2 degrees, and the indoor temperature is warm in winter and cool in summer
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