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  • 聯系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞濟南鐵藝護欄常見焊接形式都有哪些?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2020-04-06 發布人: 瀏覽次數:117
  When it comes to the iron guardrail, we are all familiar with it. It is very common in our daily life. How much do you know about it? Do you know the method of welding the guardrail? Next, follow the iron guardrail manufacturer to have a look, hoping to help you.
  1. Spray welding
  Spray welding is to use heat source to heat metal or non-metallic materials to melting or semi melting state, and use high-speed airflow (spray gun) to be blown into small particles (atomization), and spray iron fence surface, forming a solid coating surface treatment method.
  This method can make the surface of iron guardrail obtain different hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, lubricity and other special physical and chemical properties. Many materials (metals, ceramics, plastics, cement, gypsum, wood, etc.) can be sprayed on the surface.
  In order to improve the bonding strength between the spray layer and the substrate and reduce the porosity of the coating, the heat source can be used for the melting of the thermal spray coating. Therefore, the melting spray layer and the alloy substrate of the metal can be dissolved and diffused to form a metallurgical bonding similar to brazing. This process is called spray welding, and the resulting coating is called spray welding layer. This is the two methods of welding iron fence spray welding.
  2. Welding
  Overlay welding is a process of overlaying a layer of metal on the surface of iron wing guardrail by welding handrail. In the machinery manufacturing industry, it is an important and economic means of manufacturing and repairing. The manufacturer of iron guardrail said that its purpose is to obtain metal coating with special properties such as wear resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance on the surface of parts, or to restore or increase the size of parts. The hardfacing alloy for Jinan Iron wing guardrail can be classified into iron base, nickel base, cobalt base, copper base, tungsten carbide and other types.
  (1) Nickel based and cobalt based hardfacing materials are mainly used in high temperature, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant occasions.
  (2) The toughness and wear resistance of Fe based hardfacing alloy match well, which can meet many different requirements. The cast iron frame has low price, high chroma and many varieties, so it has been widely used.
  (3) Tungsten carbide hardfacing materials have a high price and are mainly used for workpieces with severe abrasive wear.
  At present, overlay welding has been widely used in strengthening and repairing of roller, rim, crankshaft, cutter, die surface, stainless steel door head, etc. Generally, cobalt base alloy and nickel base alloy are overlaid on the edge of die, iron handrail, hot forging die and hot shearing die.
  If the hardfacing process is used to make the hot die, the one with good toughness can be selected. Tieye guardrail manufacturers have demonstrated low-cost steel based, hardfacing cobalt based alloy for working parts of molds (such as cutting edges). This is the welding method of iron fence - hardfacing.
  The above is a detailed introduction to the welding form of Jinan iron guardrail. For more information, please click http://m.gitli.cn
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