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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態陽臺護欄選鐵藝護欄好還是選鋁合金護欄好?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2023-09-03 發布人: 瀏覽次數:6
Iron balcony guardrails and aluminum alloy balcony guardrails are both emerging in modern guardrails. Since its inception, it has been highly sought after by consumers. Iron balcony guardrails are rust proof, corrosion-resistant, and impact resistant. Aluminum alloy balcony guardrails are easy to install, convenient to transport, and cost-effective. Iron balcony guardrails and aluminum alloy balcony guardrails have their own advantages, and consumers find it difficult to choose between the two for a while. To make consumers more clear when choosing iron balcony guardrails and aluminum alloy balcony guardrails, let's carefully count the advantages of iron balcony guardrails and aluminum alloy balcony guardrails:
The characteristics of an iron guardrail:
Chemical performance: The resistance to chemical and electrochemical corrosion of iron guardrails is relatively good in steel, second only to titanium alloy.
Physical properties: Heat resistance, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, and even ultra-low temperature resistance.
Mechanical properties: According to different types of iron, the mechanical properties vary, and martensitic iron has high strength and hardness. Austenitic iron has good plasticity and low strength, but its corrosion resistance is relatively good among iron. Ferritic iron has moderate mechanical properties, low strength, but resistance to oxidation.
Is it better to choose iron guardrails or aluminum alloy guardrails for balcony guardrails?
Process performance: Austenitic iron has good process performance and good plasticity, which is suitable for pressure processing. Martensitic iron has poor process performance due to its high hardness.
Characteristics of aluminum alloy guardrails:
Aluminum alloy guardrails do not require painting and maintenance, and are long-lasting, eliminating the fatigue and trouble of maintenance. The overall cost is relatively low.
The production and installation are simple and fast, using professional plug-in connections, greatly improving installation efficiency.
With a wide variety of specifications and a variety of styles to choose from, it combines European and American styles with current fashion, showcasing both luxury and modern beauty.
特種噴涂或氧化,抗紫外線不退色不發黃不脫皮不開裂不起泡不蟲蛀,鋁合金護欄使用壽命可達60年以上5抗沖擊能力相對鐵藝護欄較弱。 鐵藝陽臺護欄和鋁合金陽臺護欄均具備著各自獨特的優勢,兩類陽臺護欄的選擇還需要從使用環境出發考慮。
Special spraying or oxidation, UV resistant, non fading, non yellowing, non peeling, non cracking, non foaming, and non insect infestation. Aluminum alloy guardrails have a service life of over 60 years, and their impact resistance is relatively weak compared to iron guardrails. Iron balcony guardrails and aluminum alloy balcony guardrails both have their own unique advantages, and the selection of these two types of balcony guardrails also needs to be considered from the perspective of the usage environment.
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