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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態鐵藝大門使用時間久了要確保做好什么


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2022-10-22 發布人: 瀏覽次數:6
After the iron gate has been used for a period of time, attention should also be paid to the use and maintenance, so that it can be used for a longer time. So what should be done to ensure that Jinan Iron Gate has been used for a long time?
1. After a long time, paint the iron gate to prevent corrosion
If the iron gate is used for a long time, the surface will become old, affecting the appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to spray the iron gate to prevent corrosion. Spraying skills for iron gate: spray the base color on the door, such as matte black, after it is dry, brush a layer of gold paint, and then spray transparent powder, which can also achieve a certain aesthetic effect.
2. Ensure the flexibility of the door lock
If the door lock has been used for a long time. Opening and closing are inflexible. In this case, you can put some oil on both sides of the movable lock, or you can wipe it with soap. In this way, the door lock will become more flexible.
3. Use self-made elastic door stop to ensure that the iron gate will not be damaged
When the iron gate is forcibly opened, it sometimes touches the wall. After a long time, the lock box and handle on the door will be knocked, which will affect the aesthetic feeling of the iron gate. At this time, you can find a rubber block or only a small wooden block nailed to the lower corner of the hinge, so that the iron gate will not be damaged by bumps.
4. Ensure the safety of the iron gate
When the iron gate is not tightly closed, it is easy to be blown open by the wind, which affects the safety. At this time, you can find a strong magnet of appropriate size, and then place it horizontally at about a quarter of the height above the iron gate, so that it can be absorbed after closing the door. It will not be blown away easily.
What should be done to ensure that the iron gate has been used for a long time? The above four points are the contents for you. If you have any questions about them, please come to our website http://m.gitli.cn Consult!
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