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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態輕型鋼結構工程進行時要注意七方面內容


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2022-08-16 發布人: 瀏覽次數:5
Steel structure is a structure composed of steel materials, which is one of the main types of building structures. The structure is mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components made of profile steel and steel plates, and rust removal and rust prevention processes such as silylation, pure manganese phosphating, water washing and drying, and galvanizing are adopted. Jinan light steel structure project should pay attention to seven aspects. Let's talk about them below.
1、 If there is a gutter, the tie rod cannot be designed to be close to the top of the column, otherwise the downpipe may not be installed. In addition, the location of gutter downpipe, tie rod and support between columns must be considered well, otherwise, it will either encounter tie rod or support between columns.
2、 The bolt position of the flower basket on the horizontal support shall be arranged reasonably, and shall not deviate too much from the main beam. It shall be considered to be convenient for installation. Otherwise, the workers must lean out to tighten the flower basket bolts or use a ladder to go up during the installation, or climb up the purlin to tighten the flower basket bolts after the purlin installation, which is very unsafe. In addition, the layout position of the corner brace should also be considered. Do not fight with the corner brace when arranging the horizontal brace.
3、 Do not unilaterally consider such factors as "tension side and pressure side" on the purlin brace hole, and make holes with unequal upper and lower edge spacing, because it is easy to install inversely during installation, and the result is unfavorable.
4、 The angle plates of doors and windows can not be generalized, because you can not guarantee that the plates are located at the peak or valley of the profiled plate during construction
5、 When doing large-scale projects, the convenience of production, delivery and installation must be taken into account in deepening drawing numbering.
6、 We must understand the true meaning of "load and other data" provided by Party A, because Party A often does not understand these too professional things. We should think in a different position. If we do a good job in the early stage, the follow-up work will be easier to carry out.
7、 The location of high-strength bolts shall be reasonable, and the construction space of the torque wrench and the torque wrench shall be considered. Do not install the high-strength bolts because the space is too small and the torque wrench and the torque wrench cannot be in place, resulting in the high-strength bolts cannot be screwed off or the high-strength bolts cannot be tightened.
Light steel structure is one of the main types of building structures, which is usually connected by welds, bolts or rivets. Because of its light weight and simple construction, it is widely used in large-scale factories, bridges, venues, super high-rise buildings and other fields, so if you have purchasing needs, please come to our website http://m.gitli.cn Contact me and have a look.
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