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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態鐵藝制品表面除銹的方法有哪些?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2021-10-06 發布人: 瀏覽次數:65
1. Manual treatment mainly uses abrasive cloth, scraper, hammer chisel, steel wire brush, waste grinding wheel and other tools to remove rust, scale, welding slag, dust and other surface dirt by manual grinding, chipping and brushing.
2. The most commonly used tools for mechanical treatment are wind (electric) brush, derusting gun, polishing grinding wheel, wind (electric) shovel and other tools. With the help of high-frequency impact and friction of mechanical force, they can remove rust and dirt such as oxide skin and old paint.
3、噴射處理是利用機械離心、壓縮空氣、高壓水流等為動力,將磨料、砂石、 鋼丸拋射到鐵藝制品的表面,沖擊和磨擦掉氧化皮、銹痕、舊漆、型砂等。
3. Spraying treatment is to use mechanical centrifugation, compressed air and high-pressure water flow as power to shoot abrasive, sand and steel shot onto the surface of iron products to impact and rub off oxide scale, rust mark, old paint, molding sand, etc.
4、 化學處理是利用特殊配方的酸性溶液來浸、溶鐵藝制品,通過化學反應來除凈氧化皮、銹痕、油污,即所謂的“酸洗”。
4. Chemical treatment is to use the acid solution with special formula to dip and dissolve the iron products, and remove the oxide scale, rust mark and oil stain through chemical reaction, that is, the so-called "pickling".
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