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當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業動態輕型鋼結構龍骨布置形式怎樣優化?


來源:http://m.gitli.cn 日期:2021-04-22 發布人: 瀏覽次數:43
With the promotion of green building concept, light prefabricated building has been vigorously promoted in our country, and the social and market demand has increased year by year, among which the light steel structure is widely used. How to optimize the structure of light steel structure in the construction process?
Light steel structure building has sufficient space for optimization in the layout form of keel structure. In the aspect of structural material saving, it takes small stress and less material consumption as the optimization objective. Under the same horizontal or vertical load, it optimizes the layout of keel, and replaces the conventional vertical layout of keel with the new truss layout, forming a new truss Frame type keel structure system.
Taking the product of rod length and stress as the structural efficiency, the structural efficiency of different keel layout schemes is compared, and a new keel structure layout scheme with better structural mechanical performance and material saving effect is obtained. In the process of green building promotion, the building energy saving efficiency of the new truss keel structure system with this scheme is fully utilized, so as to reduce the consumption of building materials and save energy To achieve the goal of environmental protection and sustainable development.
1. Finite element analysis
ABAQUS finite element software is used for analysis. Taking the wall size of 2.4m × 3.0m and 4.8m × 3.0m as examples, under three different conditions of applying horizontal unit concentrated load, vertical unit uniform load, horizontal unit concentrated load and vertical unit uniform load at the same time, the finite element analysis is carried out for the structural forms with different keel layout schemes. The results show that under three different conditions, the vertical unit concentrated load and vertical unit uniform load are applied respectively The stress distribution of truss with different keel arrangement schemes under the same load condition.
2. Structural efficiency calculation
After a large number of parametric analysis of the model, the corresponding data processing is carried out. The concept of "structural efficiency" is introduced. Under the condition of achieving the same structural purpose, the number of structural components is reduced as much as possible, so as to reduce the consumption of building materials and meet the requirements of green building of energy conservation and environmental protection. Through the optimization objective of small structural stress and less material consumption, the keel layout scheme of light steel structure keel structure system under different load conditions and wall height width ratio is calculated and analyzed, and the effect of structural material saving is quantified.
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